Leadership Team

To Lead is to Serve
The leadership team consists of the Director, two Program Managers, a Curriculum & Instruction Specialist, Accreditation Specialist, and Registrar – all who work together, leading in training the next generation of emergency service providers.
Neil Lavoie
With more than 25 years of expertise in adult education and academic technical training, Neil is responsible for overseeing academic training, education programs, and staff management, ensuring strict adherence to regulatory and accreditation standards. With a versatile skill set encompassing aviation maintenance, adult education, fiscal responsibility, campus operations, entrepreneurship, and recognized leadership, Neil believes in a client-focused approach to training and program operations, demonstrating a commitment to excellence.
Craig Unger
Program Manager
With a passion for emergency services and drive to provide the best service to all students, Craig’s role involves managing an extensive instructor pool, overseeing continuing education deliveries around the province, and maintaining bookings for the Practical Training Sites in both Brandon and Thompson. Craig brings to the table a breadth of experience, including over 20 years as a member of the Manitoba Fire Service (Fire Chief, Captain, Training Officer, Safety Officer), over 16 years as a representative for his Mutual Aid District, and an active member of both the USAR and CAN-TF4 teams.
Dorinda Stamford
PFPP Administrator
Dorinda has over 25 years experience in the field of EMS, and specifically PCP, as a frontline provider and EMS Manager. She is responsible for the everyday functions of the Public Fire Paramedic Program including scheduling, and staff management. Dorinda has extensive experience in Emergency Service Instruction and financial administration. Dorinda has a passion for Emergency Services as a whole as well as the Health & Safety of staff and students.
Dylan Woodcock
Curriculum & Instruction Specialist
Dylan leads the development of all College curriculum and oversees the teaching endeavours of MESC’s instructional staff, as well as advising on matters of teaching and learning, educational technology, and strategic initiatives pertaining to education. An experienced instructor in his own right, he also teaches MESC’s Adult Education courses (ESI Levels I & II). Academically, Dylan’s research is primarily concerned with adult education, technical-vocational education, and paramilitarized learning.
Janet Granda
Accreditation Specialist
Janet is responsible for achieving and sustaining the Manitoba Emergency Services College’s accreditation and regulatory program approvals for the technical, professional, and continuing education programs offered. She also provides direction and coordination on accreditation and certification processes and activities. With a background in teaching and accounting, Janet combines a holistic perspective with an analytical approach, striving for quality and consistency in our processes, and in the student experience.
Leah Campbell
As the Registrar, Leah oversees course scheduling, registration, and admissions for the College, while leading the Student Services unit. Leah’s experience in human resources and education in both sociology and psychology, allow her to utilize a human-centric leadership approach with a keen interest in organizational culture and wellbeing in the workplace.
MESC Advisory Committee
The leadership team doesn’t act alone; all decisions impacting the Manitoba Emergency Services College are workshopped through the MESC Advisory Committee before coming into effect. This volunteer group of key Manitoba Fire Service stakeholders, including representation from primary provincial departments, dedicate time throughout the year to bring forward concerns, hear about potential changes, and provide invaluable oversight of MESC operations.
Having an advisory committee is but one example of the level of accountability the MESC strives to hold itself to in the continuous pursuit toward educational excellence.
Faculty and Staff
The college is made up of many staffing units, including a diverse instructor network, student services, finance, and administration.